#000223 Digital Marketing


Traditional marketing methods are falling by the wayside to digital marketing. Your company can jump on board or get left behind. By Timothy Kitonga, Nairobi Kenya Africa #000223

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Digital Marketing

By Timothy Katanga

My name is Timothy Katanga leader of Keystone group and my company deals with design branding and digital marketing. Let’s talk briefly about technology changes over the past few years. Recently we realize that the digital marketing has been overtaking the traditional marketing avenues. Traditional marketing such as newspapers radio and billboards. Digital marketing is where you advertise through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. Digital marketing is the future, and you should realize That you will never fully reach your potential until you learn to use utilize digital marketing. If you did not learn to use digital marketing, you could be run out of business in the next five years. You need to get in the digital platform and capitalize with the one form of advertising that is very affordable.

 Broaden Your Scope

If you are going to reach a wider scope of people with a very minimal budget, then you need to learn digital marketing.  For example, If you want to reach somebody overseas you have to learn how to do it online. We specialize in helping companies in their digital marketing needs, we have developers, graphic designers, and content managers who can respond to the client’s needs. Caution, if you want to effectively handle customers online you will need a customer manager who will be able to respond to your clients, and your potential customer’s needs. We’ve managed to embrace these platforms and we can help you reach the people that you need to reach.

Reach the Next Generation

If you want to reach out to the younger generation then you will only reach them through digital marketing. Now is the best time for your organization to embrace these new changes in order to reach that generation. Keystone group is here to help you develop a strategy all the way through to implementation. Ask yourself where will you be in five years?  Are you ready for the changes that are coming so rapidly these days?   Are you be able to reach that next generation through your marketing efforts?