#000324 Pursuit Of Money


The pursuit and application of solid business skills will result in money but the pursuit of money will result in disappointments.

By Gary Shotton #000324

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Pursuit Of Money

By Gary Shotton

Hello my name is Gary Shotton. I’m here as a part of Inspiring Better Business, IBBTalks. Today I’m going to talk about the “Pursuit of Money”. Man is that dangerous and I’m going to lay out why that is dangerous. Even though we all think have an objective to do well financially and that we create an environment where we can enjoy life in a pleasant way. We have plenty of money to pay our bills and extra even our extra to lift our children.

I mean it’s not bad to have some goals in the area finances and your personal net worth.  I mention that in some other recordings that it’s desirable in my opinion to know where you stand, it’s another teaching but to actually create a very basic financial statement that shows your personal net worth .That’s what you’re worth, When you would die , That’s what would be shared with your heirs or your inheritance or left or your spouse . So, I think that number should go up all the time it should be one number and a year later it should be a higher number not going down. Those are good things but if someone enters into the business world in my opinion and their pursuit their desire, their focus is getting rich, I think it’s a dangerous ground.

I think that! I have seen many people even coming out of good homes and even Christian schools. I have heard him say man my goal is to be a millionaire when I turned 30 years old. I’ve heard that several times. They were all pumped.  They had new ideas that are hitting but you know what happened it’s kind of like cold water it comes out in the real world and many of those people didn’t even come close. Some do and I’m okay with goal-setting. I’m okay with somebody being a millionaire but if the pursuit is money then you’re going to be far disappointed. Let me succeed something different the pursuit is doing good business.

The pursuit is providing a quality product at a fair price and being able to create processes and systems. The pursuit is being able to others. Pursuit is the ability to identify your competitors .Your pursuit is doing things differently expanding your horizons or doing research all of many of the things we’re talking about and the profit. Making money is the actual by product in other words don’t be so worried about whether I made the money or not focus on doing good business.

When you do good business and you keep track of things and you make job costing and you know having to understand your accounting. I mean this goes on and on keep refining your skills in the area of doing better business that’s why we’re here that’s why we want to help you. That’s what we want to do is to help you do better business not get rich but the process will produce money profit and progress and wealth and we are very passionate about that ,because we believe that the world especially the developing nations don’t have enough entrepreneurs that are willing to take the risk .

To make a challenge to step out and in ultimately be able to hire other people that are more gifted in administration or in doing technical things and so we’re here to make things better. Some of the mistakes are   come up when you’re pursuing wealth or proceeding .Getting rich is that you tend to take unnecessary risk in other words if you’re plotting yourself and you see man this is not going as fast as I want.

I’m going to take a risk outside the realm of what I should be doing at this stage in life .Maybe it’s premature, maybe it’s ahead of time, it’s a really classic and we can teach ,It is in many different ways but growing too fast that is a problem if somebody is outgrowing their financial stability .I’ll grow their ability to maintain control on their systems and processes outgrowing their ability to manage their banking or their financing .They’re on the path for destruction it may happen, it may be slip  , but growing too fast and that many times comes from the pursuit on wanting to get rich.

So taking unnecessary risk growing too fast will be very definite indicators that this is a mistake. I must also say that in my observation, I’m a little older than many of the people watching this, that the concept behind getting rich many times is that if you get rich you’re going to become satisfied, you’re going to come to a level of satisfaction .I’m of the belief that money in itself is not satisfying . It buys toys, it buys some forms of pleasure, and it buys some luxuries.

Luxurious type things that you may not have obviously without money but there are a lot of people with very little money that are very happy and content people . There’s probably an abnormal number of people that are very wealthy that are not happy. They’re not satisfied they’re not tuned into their life ,their family and their kids  .You know that’s just what it’s all about. I’m talking about balance in your life .I’m talking about creating a balance where money and riches and finances are a part of the picture. They pay the bills but they’re not the goal .This is not the goal to be the wealthiest.

I’ve said this many times I’m not going to be the wealthiest man in the world so why would I try at this point? I want to have a satisfied full life now for those that are knowing me well .You know here for a minute I’m going to talk about God. We don’t allow preaching on our website what we do refer to God in a very positive way. I’m going to tell you that happiness is not going to be in my opinion complete without knowing where you face in eternity, where you face with God .We’re too and recognize that he is the difference maker that he is the  person that shines the light in the darkness and makes the difference . He’s the one God in the way ,we learn him so. I would not only pursue the business knowledge but I would personally gear into a solid pursuit of God .Where you put all the pieces in place your health, your family, your kids all the things that really do satisfy you and again wealth and money is just a part of that .So allow me to encourage you that in that direction and forgive me if that’s offensive because I believe that from the bottom of my heart so let’s pursue satisfaction in doing a good job and not pursue money. Let’s pursue learning solid business skills and passing those on to the next generation.  I’m going to refer to the Jewish race they’re well known for passing on wealth to the next generation that does not mean they pass on money.

They pass on the ability for their kids and their grand-kids to deal and handle money in a wise way. That’s what I want .I’m part of that family and I’m going to do it the best of my ability for everyone in my family and I believe you should too . Thanks for being a part of this Inspiring Better Business.