#000046 Train Wreck In Life


Some people seem to spend their entire life building a legacy but in one ill fated incident, life ends in a “Train Wreck”. Why?  #000046

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Train Wreck In Life

By Gary Shotton

This text is in Extreme Rough draft and will be edited in the near future.

hello my name is Gary Shotton and we’re here to help you we hope and our theme is inspiring better business and if you’re watching videos on our website you’ll see that there’s four different classifications some are videos specifically related to starting a business some are related more so to growing the business some are related to excelling in business but the fourth category is those that would call a legacy how would you leave a legacy in your business and so today I want to talk about this one about legacy and and how I have seen some mistakes made and in a couple cases some good examples because I call it a “Train Wreck” when someone has worked all of their life maybe 40 years 45 years even 50 years and they do something in one instant or one series a short period of time and it just seems to negate all of the good work that they ever did in the past it’s like hold it the thing you’re gonna be remembered for is the one thing you did not want to be remembered for let me give some examples we live in a town that has a Better Business Bureau now I’m not gonna name any names and if you look up what town I’m from you could find out who this is but it’s public knowledge in fact they were interviewed on TV and the head of the Better Business Bureau is an upstanding actually preacher and had a small church was in line for his Senate seat and even head of the state Senate and all of a sudden we find out he’s been embezzling 1.8 million dollars from the Better Business Bureau I saw the interview the person interviewing said did you know you’re gonna caught did you ever think you’re gonna get caught he says yeah I knew I was going to get caught yes you will get caught you do that you will get caught you may be dead and they find it out later but your name will be in sight it will be will be tied to that embezzlement it wiped out everything in this case he’s going to jail or prison he’ll have a prison record he’s going you know to prison when he’s like 58 or 60 he’ll spend five years there what a horrible way I’m not running him down I want to help you since you don’t make a stupid mistake like that and don’t think it’s going to affect you I have another friend that told me about someone so this second generation and they worked there for this big corporation and man they were having millions of dollars and budgets for for construction and advertising and marketing and they rightfully had socked away several million dollars as their personal Kitty though if all aboveboard all their money they could put it in the stock market and just totally had a life of leisure and retired and had all the money they wanted but they had an idea they thought you know I watched these other guys over here own these businesses I’ve dealt with them I’m going to invest my money into a business it was some form of steel fabrication erection business he put all of his money in one business the truth of the matter was he knew business from a corporate level but he had never actually run a business from where he owned it he was thinking he’s just investing this money and there’s no way he could lose it he lost it all he had a nice nest egg he had several millions of dollars and now a few years later or even six eight months later goose egg zero nothing what was the mistake he actually had never experienced that kind of business and put too much money in one investment any investment advisor would say spread your risk invest if you’re a stock market broker which that’s what he was trying to handle it put it around never put more than a portion in it I had a wise man tell me if you’re investing in something that you’re not first-hand knowledge have long-term experience he says one of two things first of all only invest the amount of money that you are willing to good buy you understand what I mean you will not be hurt by that amount of money if you invest that money and you lose it second of all never invest with someone else that you have not known their track record for a minimum of one year or two years for a long period so those two things I’ve abided by and sure I invest here a few things here a little bit but I’m not gonna lose it all I’m not gonna lose everything I have another friend named John he happened to be four years came from Sears Roebuck when Sears was real big in Chicago and he told me he says you know I had the corner office with a big corner window then looked out Lake Michigan at the Sears Tower in Chicago that’s a big job he was in charge of a lot of things he made a quality choice he moved to my town because he had a daughter and he wanted his daughter to be raised not in that town of Chicago and he made a choice and bought a hardware store and he told me there was no comparison the way he did business for corporate and the way he did business when he owned it he said to save money he actually climbed up himself on a ladder inside the store and unscrewed every other lightbulb so he could save a few pennies on his electric bill he was doing it right now the last one this is maybe a little sensitive but I’m gonna call it the porn path there is a temptation for men especially in women there is something grabbing at us at all points and times that are not not all day long no no no no I don’t mean that I’m just saying at key times when you’re something pops up on the computer something happens but it’s something that’s a path and if we all of us myself included I have temptation if I follow the path let me tell you what could happen not long ago there was somebody that was filmed in their hotel room and they were privately filmed and it was a lady she wasn’t broadcaster and she settled a suit for millions of dollars because they filmed her naked in her and her in her room well Wow 17 million people have seen this I wonder if it’s still on let’s wonder if it’s still on TV on the Internet well click click guess what it is oh my goodness I’m watching porn you understand how simple that is and it that leads other things pop up I’m telling you that is a pit that will take you down your finances that I’m talking about business I’m talking about legacy I’m talking about your family I want to help you so you know that there’s things that can cause you to trainwreck again don’t judge me because I shared some things that other people not might not share and if you are critical about it you’ve probably got a problem that’s not my problem your problem I want to help people not be foolish in making poor choices my wife sees all my emails she sees all my internet she has access to every every text that I made I asked her to look at my computer to find things when I can’t find it I have an open open attitude towards my wife and if you can’t do that with your wife you’re hiding something okay I’ll get off my kick I hope I’m helping you and I hope you will share this now you share this one to somebody they might wonder hey why are they sharing this with me but in one sense I hope you will share things because that’s the only market that we have and we want you to be better in business inspiring better business thank you